GAMSAT Tutoring. Made Simple.

No false promises. No expensive courses. Honest and transparent GAMSAT tutoring for students with high aspirations.


Section 1 and Section 2 GAMSAT tutoring for students who want to develop problem solving strategies and a reflective capacity within the humanities.


Our aim is to have students engage with tutoring services for as little time as possible, through empowering them to take ownership of their learning and exam trajectory. This is possible through specific and directed tutoring for students, according to their own learning styles and weaknesses.

About Us

Encapsulated in the name, Go GAMSAT is an independent tutoring service for students keen to 'go' - by getting started with their progression in the GAMSAT without unnecessary barriers.

Section 1

Included in tutoring services:

  • A consistent and repeatable strategy to tackle any text type

  • An understanding of the nuances between different texts and how they are examined differently

  • A logical workflow to answer questions according to the demands of ACER style reasoning

  • How to maximise accuracy by effective signposting and annotation

Section 2

Included in tutoring services:

  • A robust and methodical approach to essay writing

  • Universal ideas and philosophy banks which can be adapted to any prompt

  • Mentoring on how to reflect weaknesses in essays

  • Advice on how to effectively plan and generate a clear argument under timed pressure

Student Bookings

As a Doctor of Medicine student with a passion for the humanities, I strongly believe that critical reasoning in the area is a skill which can be taught. This is no different to learning a scientific concept for the first time in Section 3.
Section 1:
We offer a consistent, structured approach to equip students in handling all Section 1 STEM types. Our aim is to provide students with the tools to handle exam style questions with confidence.
Section 2:
We provide students with simple frameworks to adapt, according to their own individual writing style. Our approach involves demonstrating the forms of applied reasoning that can be portrayed through essay writing.
Section 3:
Unfortunately, we do not currently offer Section 3 support. This is an area we are looking to expand into providing.
MMI and Casper:
We also offer assistance for the above entry hurdles. Our guidance will equip students to maintain a structure with responses, whilst expressing their own identity and personal experiences.

Our Mission:
We are aware of the rigor of the GAMSAT in its time commitment, intellectual demand and costs. Success in the GAMSAT and subsequent entry into Medicine or Dentistry shouldn't be predicated upon socioeconomic circumstance. Our hope is for students to use tutoring services as a platform to develop their own exam strategy, rather than becoming reliant upon it. We do not charge students for resources or solicit workshops on the pretense that it will secure students a certain score. The sooner you leave us, the better!

PricingPlease note that our sessions are online only. To discuss other plans which more closely align with your personal circumstances, please contact us. We want to be flexible towards your needs!Individual: $80/hour
Groups of 2: $120/hour
Groups of 3: $150/hour
Essay marking: $40 per essay

Hi Everyone!

My name's Mark and I'm an MD2 student, who for better or worse - sat the GAMSAT five times before being offered a place into Medicine. It's a brutal process and motivating yourself to sit the exam on especially multiple attempts can be exhausting. I hope Go GAMSAT reassures candidates that they are capable and that the behemoth of the GAMSAT is no mountain they can't climb themselves.


  • 2 years of tutoring experience

  • 98th Percentile on Section 2

  • Net improvement of 11 points on Section 1 score

  • Entry offer on first MMI attempt

  • 4th quartile on Casper